Monday, December 10, 2007

Lawsuit Abuse

"Too much of anything is bad"
Recent studies have shown that the current system has become almost a playground for the personal injury lawyers; there are instances that these people misuse the legal system for personal profit but seldom do they realize that these measures ultimately turn out detrimental for the other patients. Abusive, to describe these steps in a word, fact remains that the lawsuits threaten the access to healthcare as well as reduces the affordability factor apart from discouraging medical innovation. This article is meant for dragging the issue to the public eye and to make them aware of the negative impacts that lawsuit abuses bring upon the entire system.

Facts and Figures
According to the studies by American Civil Liberties Union, a litigation takes 2½ years, on an average, to resolve.
If the entire nation is taken into consideration, a lawsuit costs nearly $809 annually, according to Trends and Findings on the U.S. Tort System.
The combined income of trial lawyers is one and a half times of Microsoft or Intel and twice that of Coca-Cola, according to Trial Lawyers, Inc., A Report on the Lawsuit Industry in America.
A total of 1.5 million lawsuits were filed in the state of California in 2002.
More than $80 million are paid annually to defend, indurate and pay for tort/ liability claims.
The reasons behind: Are they reason enough?
There had been a column in St. Petersburg Times, dated 1/1/05 that provided a hilarious (ironically) account of an eighteen-year-old person from Orlando, Florida.
The teenager attempted to jump clear from one parking structure to the adjoining one but missed to cover the two and a half feet distance. The result was a knocked out person lying six stories down. There had been a lawsuit that blamed it on the builders for designing a very, very short fence structure; it was also claimed that building something that couldn’t prevent a teen from jumping deliberately is an indirect crime. A still funnier thing was a woman suing McDonalds for using a fatty cooking oil. And these are just two mere instances.

The Effects
According to California State Supreme Court Justice Janice Brown, lawsuits on these grounds are nothing but "a means of generating attorneys' fees without any corresponding public benefit." With California being the eye of the storm, employers as well as the businesses within the state are facing major threats from these legalized extortions, in spite of the presence of Unfair Competition Law (Business & Professions Code Section 17200) that was meant to protect both consumers and business from concerns or people that led astray other consumers. Loopholes made the situation grow worse; as of now, the law is facilitating widespread abuse, thanks to the personal injury lawyers. And the worst part is, these lawyers have the authority to act as district attorneys, which they misuse to sue companies being the representatives of the general public. Clients and evidences are not required, which makes this practice more of a state-sanctioned extortion.

How to put an End to it
Though an overnight success is out of question; however, taking a few steps forward may reduce the problem up to quite an extent. These steps can be taken by voicing individual opinions to the media, else, joining an organization that’s fighting to eradicate lawsuit abuse may also prove helpful.

New York Lawyers

Introduction:Almost all of us are aware of the Watergate scandal that fanned further the flames of public distrust in the United States when it came to the lawyers, but it did give rise to a plethora of legal self-help books that were thought to keep the loathsome lot at bay. However, the times have changed; a lawyer in the United States (attorney-at-law) now takes his profession as seriously as any other professional.

The Story:
Providing legal advices are a tough job and stays restricted among only a group of people who have qualified and specialize in legal matters. Law, being a theoretical and abstract discipline, requires effective, practical application of legal theories and considerable foresight for solving real problems; therefore, the role of a lawyer may vary significantly according to the legal jurisdictions just like the very word itself between English dialects.

While America holds the term synonymous to licensed attorneys practicing law, Europe, especially England and Gt. Britain takes under consideration a broad variety of people trained in the practice of law - from barristers, solicitors and legal executives to judges, law clerks and legislators. However, we embarked upon getting some worthwhile information on the law practitioners of New York; hence, we shall restrict ourselves within a set parameter pre-defined by the American rulebook.

Unlike the lawyers of many countries, the New York lawyers have been noted to hold a certain attitude towards both life and work. The basic categorization being general and specialized, the sub-divisions constitute definite fields like personal injury, criminal cases, business and corporate law, labor and employment law, real property, litigation, individual rights, family law and many more. But there’s a certain similarity that exists between all the fields aforementioned; all New York lawyers deal with issues that affect the life of the distressed. This calls for analytical skills that eventually help in formulating plans; alongside they also work for improving the administration of justice and assist the Judges and the Legislature in the fields of both court and law improvement projects.

It is compulsory for the New York lawyers to register with and be a part of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA); the organization currently has about 72,000 members on its roster and stands as the largest voluntary association of lawyers in the United States. A mention must also be made about The New York Law Journal, a newspaper for the lawyers practicing in New York.

Lawyers in New York have their areas of operations fixed; while litigants sue and defend in court, transactional attorneys restrict themselves within the drafting of documents and providing advices and consulting clients and rarely visit the court.

Lexington Law Firm

A good credit is the key to a normal and prosperous lifestyle. Using this little piece of information, a plethora of credit repairing organizations have come into existence; though all of them promise a pot of gold at the end and some even more, it is difficult to choose the correct service provider unless it is something as well-reputed as the Lexington Law Firm.

Renowned as the right source for a better credit, Lexington Law firm is an organization that provides credit-repairing services over the Internet; the pioneer in the field, the prime workforce behind Lexington Law Firm is a select group of experienced attorney's who are specialists in the field. Their prime job is to remove inaccurate, misleading or unverifiable items from credit reports and have fixed innumerable cases relating to bankruptcies, charge-offs and tax liens. So far, the prime credit for Lexington Law Firm lies in initiating the consumer credit repair revolution in 1991; in the process, they also reinvented the consumer credit repair process six years later with their own eClient service. Considered the best and most effective in credit repair solutions, the law firm excels in innovative credit repair and Internet offerings.

What makes people become their clients is the leverage these people provide through their experience in credit repair. With powerful strategies joining hands, what one can expect with the Lexington Law Firm is a zero-compromisation credit repair. A look at their statistics would reinforce the belief all the more. To add to it, the services of Lexington Law Firm comes protected with a warranty; the warranty entitles every customer to claim back the paid fees entirely or partially (clause dependent) in case the disputes are not settled properly. The law firm also does not force people to contractual obligations; a customer may cancel the service whenever he/she likes it without paying any penalty. When it comes to deletion, the company charges a one time fee and not on the basis of per deletion per bureau. And there are no hidden fees that are charged either; all that needs to be paid is one low monthly charge that covers the entire spectrum of services.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lexington Law Credit Report Repair

Lexington Law is the largest and most trusted credit report repair firm in America. In over 15 years of practice, Lexington Law has helped more than 300,000 clients clean up their credit reports. nce you sign up for our service and forward your credit reports to us, all you have to do is let us know which items you would like to dispute. We then pull from our vast arsenal of strategies and interventions to attack those items in the most effective way. Lexington Law has become the trusted leader in credit report repair because we believe in our work and we're committed to our clients' success. That, coupled with our exceptional knowledge and experience in the credit repair industry, has allowed us to achieve amazing results that have literally turned our clients' lives around.

Start repairing your credit today quickly and legally Lexington Law – The Trusted Leaders in Credit Report Repair. Lexington Law has helped more than 300,000 clients clean up their credit reports.

Legal Bankruptcy Repair

Drowning in debt
1 in every 72.8 households declared bankruptcy in 2003, a rate that has nearly doubled over the last ten years. Financial experts blame this increase on the growth of consumer debt in relation to several years of economic recession. In other words, consumers with less money available continue to meet their family's financial needs through credit. Is it any wonder many consumers have found themselves literally drowning in debt?

Bankruptcy, an option?
Although bankruptcy provides financial and emotional relief, the resulting black marks on credit reports can continue to haunt consumers for up to ten years. Future creditors view negative listings as a signal that the borrower could not manage their money. This isn't always the case. Sickness, job loss, or other unexpected emergencies can take their toll on a family budget already stretched to the limit.

The Credit Bureaus' dirty secret
Bad credit isn't just embarrassing; it's expensive. Each year consumers with less than perfect credit are forced to pay thousands of dollars more in interest rates for such necessary purchases as cars and homes. This is particularly unfair if the information on their credit report is wrong. According to a June 2004 study by the consumer advocacy group, U.S. Public Interest Research Group (U.S. PIRG), as many as 79% of credit reports have errors - 25% of which are serious enough to potentially result in a credit denial. More than half of the reports had information that was either outdated or belonged to someone else.

It's your right
Disputing items on a credit report is a consumer's explicit right under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA.) Credit report repair is as legal as pleading "not guilty" in a court of law. It is entirely within an individual's right, and the freedom to do so is protected by law. However, contacting all three major credit bureaus and dealing with the hassles, red tape and follow through, can be frustrating and time consuming. For many consumers, hiring an experienced credit report repair firm is the wise solution. Unfortunately, credit report repair, like other financial service companies, have their share of inexperienced or even dishonest firms. Before choosing a credit repair expert, it is important to know who you are dealing with.

Choosing a Bankruptcy Attorney

Bankruptcy Attorney & Consultation

Hiring a good attorney to assist you with your bankruptcy can make a difficult situation less stressful. Here are some tips to help you choose an attorney and prepare for your consultation:

Choosing a Bankruptcy Attorney

Just like doctors or insurance agents, many attorneys specialize in a particular legal field. A lawyer who works mainly in the area of bankruptcy will have the most expertise and up-to-date information.

Telephone Book

The yellow pages usually lists local attorneys under the subheading of bankruptcy. This will help you find a lawyer located near your home or office.


If you've used an attorney in the past, ask them for a referral to a good bankruptcy lawyer. Friends and family can be a source for recommendations. You can also check the American Board of Certification (the national certification board for bankruptcy and creditors' attorneys) on the Internet.


After finding a few promising firms, make appointments for initial consultations. There's nothing like one-on-one interviews to get a feel for an attorney.


Once you've chosen a bankruptcy attorney, expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $1500 for their services, depending on your area. Some firms will make payment arrangements, but most prefer to collect the full amount prior to going before the bankruptcy trustee. Once a bankruptcy is filed, all credit legal action as well as harassing phone calls will cease. Therefore, it makes sense to bring all your applicable information with you to your initial meeting with the attorney.

The following list includes information that most bankruptcy lawyers will need:

Name Address (any previous addresses) Phone Number Social Security Number Birth Date for all filers and dependents Current Employment and past Employment History If Self Employed - Information on your business

Monthly Income and Expenses Net Income Spouse's Net Income Child Support Social Security Benefits Unemployment Spousal Support Other Income

Monthly non-Discretionary Expenses - After Bankruptcy Child Support Payments Spousal Support Payments Child Care Medical Expenses

Monthly Discretionary Expenses - After Bankruptcy Housing - rent/mortgageTaxes/fees Utilities--telephone, cable/satellite, gas, electricity, water Furniture, etc. Personal Expenses - dining, entertainment, gifts, contributions, allowances Non-recoverable Medical Expenses - prescriptions, dental Living Expenses - food, laundry, toiletries, clothing etc. Transportation Costs - car payment, repairs, maintenance, gas, public transportation Insurance Expenses - vehicle, house, life insurance

Assets - Location, Best estimate of Present Value and Information regarding: Cash/Bank Accounts Household Furniture/Collectibles Retirement Savings Plans Loans Due to You Cash Value of Insurance Policies Savings Plans/Bonds/Stocks/Shares Clothing, Medical Aids, Jewelry Estimated Tax Refund Real Estate Cars/Motorcycles (need model and serial number) Motorized Vehicles/Boat/Trailer Tools of Trade Other Assets

Liabilities List all debts, including secured debts, medical and utilities. Include name, full address, account number and estimate of amount owing. (Bring in most recent statements if available) Include any debts with you as guarantor or co-signer

General Information regarding: Assets you have sold, disposed of or transferred in the last 12 months Assets seized within the last 12 months Assets you expect to receive (money or property) within the next 12 months

Letter of Explanation

Brief written description of the reason for your financial difficulties By providing your attorney with the most complete and accurate picture of your financial situation, he or she will be able to protect your rights and provide every benefit to you that the law will allow.

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