Monday, December 10, 2007

New York Lawyers

Introduction:Almost all of us are aware of the Watergate scandal that fanned further the flames of public distrust in the United States when it came to the lawyers, but it did give rise to a plethora of legal self-help books that were thought to keep the loathsome lot at bay. However, the times have changed; a lawyer in the United States (attorney-at-law) now takes his profession as seriously as any other professional.

The Story:
Providing legal advices are a tough job and stays restricted among only a group of people who have qualified and specialize in legal matters. Law, being a theoretical and abstract discipline, requires effective, practical application of legal theories and considerable foresight for solving real problems; therefore, the role of a lawyer may vary significantly according to the legal jurisdictions just like the very word itself between English dialects.

While America holds the term synonymous to licensed attorneys practicing law, Europe, especially England and Gt. Britain takes under consideration a broad variety of people trained in the practice of law - from barristers, solicitors and legal executives to judges, law clerks and legislators. However, we embarked upon getting some worthwhile information on the law practitioners of New York; hence, we shall restrict ourselves within a set parameter pre-defined by the American rulebook.

Unlike the lawyers of many countries, the New York lawyers have been noted to hold a certain attitude towards both life and work. The basic categorization being general and specialized, the sub-divisions constitute definite fields like personal injury, criminal cases, business and corporate law, labor and employment law, real property, litigation, individual rights, family law and many more. But there’s a certain similarity that exists between all the fields aforementioned; all New York lawyers deal with issues that affect the life of the distressed. This calls for analytical skills that eventually help in formulating plans; alongside they also work for improving the administration of justice and assist the Judges and the Legislature in the fields of both court and law improvement projects.

It is compulsory for the New York lawyers to register with and be a part of the New York State Bar Association (NYSBA); the organization currently has about 72,000 members on its roster and stands as the largest voluntary association of lawyers in the United States. A mention must also be made about The New York Law Journal, a newspaper for the lawyers practicing in New York.

Lawyers in New York have their areas of operations fixed; while litigants sue and defend in court, transactional attorneys restrict themselves within the drafting of documents and providing advices and consulting clients and rarely visit the court.

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